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Scholarship Opportunity for Bright and Underprivileged Students

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विद्यां ददाति विनयं विनयाद् याति पात्रताम् । पात्रत्वात् धनमाप्नोति धनात् धर्मं ततः सुखम् ॥

Knowledge makes one humble, humility begets worthiness, worthiness creates wealth and enrichment, enrichment leads to right conduct, and right conduct brings contentment.

विद्या विनय देती है, विनय से पात्रता आती है, पात्रता से धन आता है, धन से धर्म होता है, और धर्म से सुख प्राप्त होता है।


Swami Dayanand Education Foundation laid a strong basis for youth empowerment through education, in 2015. We endeavor to bring the permanent wealth of education within the reach of academically brilliant but underprivileged students. The foundation has been working tirelessly to offer scholarships in India and the US, targeting more than 200 students each year.


The Foundation (SDEF) provides Merit-cum-Means Scholarships to exceptionally talented but poor students who cannot afford to study at reputed colleges, owing to financial constraints. The foundation awards scholarships on the basis of school merit or to the top rankers in national/state level common entrance tests based on which they have secured admissions to quality institutes/colleges. The Scholarship is offered to students pursuing Engineering, MBBS, Pharmacy, IT, Architecture, and all undergraduate courses in Government or private Institutes, including IITs, NITs, and others.


We fund the most talented students and help them pursue the best education. Given the level of tuition and other fees in professional colleges, the poor have no chance today to pursue their dreams of getting higher education in reputed colleges. However, the earning potential of these professions is very high. The student also becomes a role model in the community, inspiring others to pursue this path. In other words, the multiplier effect on the society of enabling a talented child to become a high-income earning professional is huge. By a conservative estimate, each rupee invested in a talented child returns multifold to society.


A good college education is invariably vital to any big career and aspiring job in India. We come from a developing country where millions of students still remain deprived of a basic college education. From them, many could be future scholars in their respective domains but in the absence of the requisite education, their potential is left unrecognized. Also, the cost of a good education is rising at a rapid pace for the last thirty years and has become out of reach for the middle-income groups.

Mr. Ashutosh Garg and the founder trustees started Swami Dayanand Education Foundation about six years ago with the mission of providing scholarships to college students in India and the US. To contribute towards making a good college education available and accessible to all the meritorious students, irrespective of their economic condition, the foundation is working tremendously since its inception in 2015.

USA Scholarships

Swami Dayanand Education Foundation provides scholarships up to $5000 per year to high-school seniors, to pursue a college education at any university within the United States. The Scholarship is available for students who are residents of Texas USA.

India Scholarships

The Foundation (SDEF) provides Merit-cum-Means Scholarships up to ₹50,000 for exceptionally talented but poor students in India pursuing professional courses. We fund the most talented students and help them pursue the best education in India.

Scholarship Program

Swami Dayanand Education Foundation provides Merit-cum-Means Scholarships to students pursuing professional courses in India. The aim of the Scholarship program is to offer help to deserving students who have secured the admission on the basis of merit at premier colleges in India. Thirty percent of our total scholarships are reserved for women. The Scholarship is offered to students pursuing Engineering, MBBS, Pharmacy, IT, Architecture courses in Government or private Institutes in India.

Smt. Shyam Lata Garg Gold Scholarships • Smt. Shyam Lata Garg Silver Scholarships • Sh. Anand Swarup Garg Scholarships • Sh. Ram Lal Gupta Scholarships • Smt. Shanti Devi Scholarships • Sh. Ram Ji Lal Scholarships

100% of our funds goes directly towards scholarship for a student.

Our scholarship programs are open round the year.


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