The Lion and The Fox
Age: 3+
Specifications: 20 pages; 7” x 8.5”; full colour; soft cover
Translator: Shivani Arora
ISBN: 978-81-8146-898-7
Age: 3+
Specifications: 20 pages; 7” x 8.5”; full colour; soft cover
Translator: Shivani Arora
ISBN: 978-81-8146-898-7
Age: 3+
Specifications: 20 pages; 7” x 8.5”; full colour; soft cover
Translator: Shivani Arora
ISBN: 978-81-8146-898-7
The smart lion thinks he can use the fox to bring him food every day. But the fox is smarter! A familiar fable with an environmental angle. The energetic illustrations draw from Gond art.